How to care for eye health

Menjaga Kesehatan sangat penting. Banyaknya fakta atau mitos ihwal kesehatan tentunya membuat kau selalu ingin mengetahui kebenaran dari gosip yang beredar. Dilansir dari |
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As below we help you to find out what you need to do to treat your eyes properly. Eyes are very vulnerable and very sensitive , we say If you too often and too rubbing excessive eye , it will get a disease that may be big.

Caring for eye health is very important , because unfortunately our vision is lost. Many states that in parts southeast asia various kinds of people affected by eye disease. Before anything happens in the eye , it would be nice to keep and treat it with validity.

Egg Indeed eggs are very rich in protein and vitamins. Eggs also have vitamin A which is certainly very good for the eyes. In addition , the content of lutein and zeaxanthin contained in egg white is known to prevent cataract disease. 
eye check If your eyes feel there is a different or If your eyes insert small objects , you should make studying your eyes to the doctor.
Carrot It has been a common mystery , carrots are able to maintain eye health. Carrots contain beta-carotene will be a very good vitamin a for maintaining eye health. Use eye protection When driving a vehicle , sunshine , exercise , and other activities , try to keep the eyes permanently safe and avoid the origin of dust , then we recommend to protect your eyes from it. Get enough rest Just like the rest of the body , the eyes also need adequate rest. Similar to watching and front personal computer for hours is very make the eyes relatively tired , so with it selangkanlah when a little for resting the eyes for a moment using the view of a distant object. Why use distant objects? Because by looking at a distant object then the scope of the eye will open and more soothing.

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