The danger of slimming drugs if consumed

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The danger of slimming drugs if consumed
One example is one of the slimming pills sold online in the UK , the DNP pill , allegedly has caused 6 teenagers died. Slimming drug sold at a price of about 800 thousand is very deadly and dangerous because it contains toxic chemicals that are usually found in pesticides and explosives.
The latest victim of the drug slimming 2.4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) is a 21-year-old woman named Eloise Aimee Parry , Who died in April. Eloise died after drinking eight slimming pills. Before the death could have complained of feeling like burning from within his body and drive himself to the Emergency Installation.

Cara kerja obat ini sebenarnya ialah dengan membuat tubuh memanas , meningkatkan metabolisme sehingga lemak terbakar lebih banyak. Namun tentu efek samping obat ini akan menjadikan dehidrasi , mual , muntah , keringat berlebihan , dan irama detak jantung yang tidak normal. Bahkan fatalnya mampu berujung pada koma dan kematian.

DNP , is a yellow organic compound that is actually used to suppress plant growth , even this material is also used as an explosive. The DNP compound was once popular as a diet drug in the 1930s , and was then banned after learning that it was highly toxic.

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